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The administrator is a medium machine difficulty with the assume breach methodology, in which you start the machine with a low-privileged user.
Nmap Scan
hosts file
I'm in the habit of searching and using new tools released, So I will start my enumeration process this time with cicada-masterful
After collecting data with bloodhound
and ldapdomaindump
, I will enumerate the domain for possible Domain Escalation
Looking at Bloodhound CE, User Olivia
has GenericAll
on Michael
which means he can
Assign fake SPN and perform targeted Kerberoast attack
Reset the password of that user
Perform Shadow Credentials (Need PKINIT authentication)
And Michael
Can ForceChangePassword
of Benjamin
To perform this attack completely from Linux, I will use the following commands
Now, I have Benjamin
account and he is a member in Share Moderators
When I looked at the shares for juicy files, I didn't find anything useful
I will then move toftp
with the two new accounts I have using FileZilla
. Michael's account doesn't have any files but benjamin
After downloading the file, it seems to be encrypted by the master password by default.
I used this tool to get the password hash of the database
Using john the ripper
, I cracked this hash successfully
Then, I downloaded this program to my Windows machine to open it and exported all the passwords to .txt
User Emily
has GenericWrite
on Ethan
, So she can do the following
Targeted Kerberoast attack
Shadow Credentials
User Ethan
has DCSync
rights, So I can dump ntds
database with this account
Abuse GenericWrite
Dump administrator hash
Root Flag: b42e8a0a9a5c81e4b7f8xxxxxxxxxxxxx