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Office is a hard-difficulty Windows machine featuring various vulnerabilities including Joomla web application abuse, PCAP analysis to identify Kerberos credentials, abusing LibreOffice vulnerability, abusing MSKRP to dump DPAPI credentials and abusing Group Policies due to excessive Active Directory privileges.
IP Address:
Nmap Scan
HTTPS Enumeration
when visiting
, it gives me Forbidden
SMB Enumeration
No thing from smb
KERBEROS Enumeration
Found some users from kerbrute
with jsmith.txt
Additional users found when using xato-10-million
I added all users found in a wordlist and then tried ASREPROASTING
attack but it failed
HTTP Enumeration
The site is joomla
I visited
to get the version and search for CVE for it
I found this version is affected by unauthenticated information disclosure vulnerability
I started Metasploit
, searched for exploit with CVE number and found one
We get database credentials:
Since I get username of joomla
but still don't know the password, I will reuse the password of the database I found against the web login form and the users we found before
Let's begin to enumerate the domain with these credentials and I will do the following
Run Bloodhound Ingestors
Enumerate the Shares
Searching for kerberoastable accounts
to collect info and feed it into bloodhound GUI
Start crackmapexec
to view the shares and permissions on them
I run spider_plus
module against the shares to explore their content fast
I found .pcap
file located at SOC Analysis
share, So I will download and examine it locally
Start Wireshark
to examine the file
After examining wireshark
, Only two packets took my attention:
The second packet has the cipher which is encrypted by the NTLM hash of the user requested kerberos and username: tstark
, too.
Following up this post
I can construct the kerberos hash to be able to crack it with hashcat
I tried this password on joomla
admin panel as administrator cause the CVE we found showed that the administrator account has Tony Stark
From HackTricks
After doing the steps above, I added a webshell and got RCE on the system
I will upgrade the webshell to p0wny.php
to become more flexible
I didn't find useful things in the context of web_account
as his home directory is empty, So I uploaded RunasCs.exe
to get a shell with stark
User Flag: fc7d5bd1f9cf6a3c6cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
looking for listening ports, there is non-standard port listening
Looking for the process that run this port revealed that its web server running
I uploaded Chisel
to the machine and map this port to my kali machine.
On kali run
On windows box run
The web app doesn't any file extension except these four Doc, Docx, Docm, Odt
after I uploaded a file.odt
to the webapp, it appeared in applications
folder under xampp\htdocs
with different name
Note: No file with
was there before I upload my file!!!
checking its permissions, the user ppotts
has full access on it.
The community said that there is a CVE affected
to create.odt
file and get RCE from it
Upload the exploit via webapp
Get a shell as ppotts
There is a job_offering.ps1
on music directory that is responsible to trigger the exploit
There are stored credentials for hhogan
in user ppotts
When I tried to execute commands as that user, It asked for a password
Looking at bloodhound, User hhogan
is a member of GPO MANAGERS
which has the ability to add group policy object that can be abused to do malicious actions.
As we don't know the password of hhogan
, We can extract it by decrypting DPAPI
. We need the masterkey and credentials files which are located by default in <user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Credentials
& <user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Protect\<user-sid>\GUID
Credentials files
Master keys
I uploaded mimkatz.exe
and began to extract them.
We must provide a password for the command below but the is a post from SpectorOps
that says " it can be done without a password, just provide /rpc
options to mimikatz
Try all the three credential files until you get the password
Checking the validity of the credentials and the ability to remote access the machine
Access the machine as hhogan
I don't know any tools to abuse GPO as I didn't perform this attack before so I searched online for one and find
The github repo also shows how to use it
I will use --AddLocalAdmin
and here are its options
Update the group policy to take effect
Root Flag: abd037fa1e9078e44dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx